Two three-year terms for the position of school board trustee, School District 1, Winnett, MT will

be up for election on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. The position will expire in May 2027 for a three-year

term. Any person who is registered to vote in School District 1 is eligible for the office of trustee.

Qualified persons interested in filing for the positions may obtain a Declaration of Intent and Oath

of Candidacy from the School District Clerk, 305 South Broadway, Winnett, MT 59087. The

declaration must be returned to the District Clerk's office by the conclusion of the workday on

March 28, 2024.

Posted this 3 rd day of January 2024

 Winnett Schools Board of Trustees

Board Chair: Charlie Ahlgren

Vice Chair: JR Lund

Member: Cassie Brinkerhoff

Member: Raye Anne Lund

Member: Ashley Obrigewitch